Hand Stiching

‘Don’t make something unless it is both necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don’t hesitate to make it beautiful.’ - Shaker philosophy
The Shaker design principles are guided by simplicity, honesty and utility. Their strong beliefs are reflected in the strength and simplicity of their design: simply made favouring essentialism. The Shakers valued quality materials, craftsmanship, restrain and balance. Their clothing relied on excellent quality, harmonious proportions, subtle details and timelessness design. They also believed God sees all, so even the inside of the cupboard must be clean of the underneath of a chair must be excellently designed.

The hand work along the internal side seems has been said by many "Un-necessary" however it creates stability to the shape of the dress over many washes. Re-enforces the seems so they will not split. allows the dress to sit flat and glide evenly over hips and the body, making them more flattering.
And it is beautiful.

It may not be obvious to the unsuspecting eye, but we know it there, you as the wearer know they are there, like beautiful lingerie. The hand stitching is quite time consuming but Loomes is made slowly and not fast fashion.
My vintage slip which inspired Loomes slips was sewn before the time of sewing machines and the seems are all hand sewn together and this is wear I found this technique.
The hand stitching along all the internal seems is the pinnacle of our devotion to quality.